Source: The Map Report
To fight greenwashing more effectively, define more clearly the green criteria for investors and contribute to the achievement of European neutrality from the point of view of carbon emissions by 2050, as established in the European Green Deal, are the main goals of the text drafted by the EU Parliament and sent to the Commission to define environmentally harmful activities.
The paper defines six environmental targets and gives the possibility to label a business activity as environmentally sustainable if it reaches at least one of the approved goals:
● climate change mitigation and adaptation;
● the sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources;
● the transition to a circular economy, including waste prevention and increasing the uptake of secondary raw materials;
● the prevention and control of pollution;
● the protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems.
According to a Commission estimate, the additional total investment Europe needs to reach by 2030 would be around 260 billion euros a year.