Climate Disinformation
Combatting Climate Disinformation on Social Media
Convergence – “Beyond Confusion, Inspiring Action
Stemming the Flow of False Information: the Supply side
Communicating science to the Public: the demand side
Perspectives on combating false information proliferation within the context of Climate Change
Disinformation on water thrives
Five disinformation practices
We need local factual information
How enhancing knowledge and dialogue
Civic engagement is needed
UNESCO’s action on climate change disinformation
We perceive weather, not climate change
An advertisements agency can be part of the solution
Communication of climate change vastly successful
Zuckerberg era, no longer Gutenberg
Best practices show the way
Keywords are Ethics, Credibility, Mutual Respect
Focus on youth
A catalyst for a synchronised movement
Our stories
tell of our planet, our people, our world.